How much does it cost for biogas plant?A
The biogas volume differs depending on the types and volume of the feedstock at each biogas plant. We should consider and analyze the biogas plant system including the use of by-products such as digestate and fertilizer.
Here is the explanation for the biogas plant construction flow.Q
How much power generation is expected?A
The amount of biogas production depends on the types of feedstock.
We can calculate the biogas production and power production from the BMP test result (Biomethane potential) We can conduct analysis of feedstock composition and BMP test. Please contact us from here.Q
What is the flow of biogas plant?A
You can find the flow of the biogas plant from here.Q
I want to know about engine for power generation at biogas plant.A
The engine used at biogas plant is a high-efficient engine dedicated to methane fermentation gas, and it can achieve the stable supply of power and heat. In addition, the unique combustion system to inhibit the generation of nitrogen oxides enables the system to clear environmental standard.
At TOYO, we support client’s stable operation of biogas plant with the service of engine maintenance and remote monitoring system.Q
We hear many failure cases of biogas plant.A
It is important to monitor the initial plan of the plant and anaerobic digestion status continuously. Most of the failures are due to a variety of reasons, such as methane fermentation not progressing well, or the facilities not being suitable for the income generated.
At TOYO, we; 1. Have sufficient investigation, 2. Consider balanced initial investment and income, 3. Continue stable operation. Thus we can maximize the reduction of business risks, and conduct a stable power generation business. Here, we explain how to proceed with TOYO’s basic planning to basic design.
Also, we offer a variety of services such as maintenance and operational support.Q
We hear odor often occur from the plant. Is there solution for that issue?A
Odor will be occurred because the feedstock of the biogas plant is livestock manure and food residues, however, we implement dedicated biological desulphurization equipment for transportation, at receiving facility and feedstock hopper. For methane fermentation tank and biogas line, there is no odor problem during normal operation due to the sealed structure. At TOYO, we plan the odor solution at basic planning and basic design stage.Q
There seems more licenses and permits are required for biogas plant comparing to other renewable energy plants. Does it cause any problem?A
Because we treat waste and generate power by biogas, more permits and approvals are required compared with solar power generation for issues such as negative impact to the air, problem of odor and noise from the motor equipment, building construction of receiving facilities and pump room. The laws such as the Air Pollution Control Law, the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law are all important laws and regulations, and we have to comply and adhere to all of them in order to proceed with the business. TOYO can provide biogas power generation plants that meet various laws and regulations by organizing applications for permits and approvals and supporting the preparation of documents for the projects.Q
There are cases that cannot receive support because the system is foreign-made. Does TOYO have this problem?A
Most of the parts are made in specialized factories in Germany and Italy and installed in Japan. We offer seamless supply of spare parts and maintenance support and we can offer the solution to the problems occurred after the completion of the system or after operation. We also prepare the training program for the maintenance and operation of the equipment. You can trust our service.Q
Can you construct a smaller scale biogas plant?A
We can propose you a plan for using the SMART-D system for small-scale applications. This system is designed for small-scale biogas systems with a pump room, control system and gas purification system as a package.
The proposal is tailored to the local site conditions and feedstock.
Here we explain how to consider biogas system.Q
What is the minimum requirements for the site area and other conditions?A
Biogas system construction differs depending on the composition of feedstock and site conditions (restriction from the regulations, and site area conditions). When you assume the necessary site area, we need to have intimal investigation.
Here is how to study the biogas system.Q
We would like to know how power is generated from biogas plant.A
Here is the explanation of how power is generated at biogas plantQ
Is it safe?(Is there possibility of explosion?)A
Biogas obtained from anaerobic digestion process of organic feedstock includes flammable gas. For biogas storage, a special membrane gas holder is used to store the biogas containing methane, and safety equipment is used for pipping and gas purification.
We ensure the safety of the biogas plant by designing and controlling the operation, and during installation, we follow the Fire Service Act and guideline from membrane holders.
In addition, we plan for safety, such as setting up explosion-proof areas, selecting explosion-proof equipment and piping conduits.